Sunday, March 29, 2009

Garbage/Recycling Man

Instead of using huge Waste Management trucks to haul
garbage around, China uses a seemingly endless army of
these guys. These gentlemen ride around on cargo bikes
ringing bells to let you know they are coming. They stop
at every garbage/recycling can to empty/sort them onto
their bikes. Often times if you have something that can
be scrapped they will offer reimbursement for your 
garbage. Some of them specialize (i.e. Metal only, Paper
only, Compost only, etc.).

1 comment:

  1. we have that here in Hanoi too! only they don't get to ride a's mostly women pushing these HUGE carts around...and then around 11pm they all congregate on the corner by my house and empty them all into a huge modern garbage truck...very loud
